Wednesday, October 29, 2014


Today we added more information the our project. Mr.Schick went on our slide show and added some  questions. One question that he added was how long has Xi Jinping been in office. Today we actually finished our project.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Yesterday in class we got assigned a project. We had to find what kind of government that country has and how to get rid of a leader. Our country is China and China is a communist state.  This means that China's government controls everything.  Also, there are 3 ways to get rid of a president. Re-election, Assassination, and Impeachment.  Re- election is when you re -elect someone for another term. Assassination is when you kill the leader and impeachment  is when the leader breaks the law. They today in class we had to finish our project.

Monday, October 27, 2014


Today in class we went over the average scores on our pop quiz, our class got the lowest average score. We then had an assignment to do. We worked with a partner and had to find facts about the country's government. My partner is Ella and our country is China. China is a communist state. We also had to find out what communist meant. We then did some facts on the President of China which is Xi JinPing. Then we had to find a way that we could get the president out of office.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Pop Quiz

Today in class we had a pop quiz. I wasn't expecting this. There were 15 questions, each question counting as 2 points. Some questions were easy and some were hard. I wish I would have done better. I hope this doesn't drop my grade down. Mr. Schick then told us that he never went to a school dance in highschool.

Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Today in class we went over the facts about the leaders. We had to find some facts that made the leader a better leader. We also had to find which leader lost a family member. I tried looking for the answer but I couldn't find it. Someone then said that Israel's prime ministers brother died trying to save others. Next class will be on Friday!

Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Today in class we went over our homework. Our homework was to find fun facts about the countries leader. One facts that I found interesting was that Enrique Pena Nueto had many affairs. His looks made people vote for him. Also Vladimir Putin has a black belt in judo. Mr. Schick then told us that most of these leaders came to other countries to study about politics. They then moved back to their country.

Monday, October 20, 2014


  • Enriique Pena Nieto mom put lemon juice in his hair
  • Mukherjee was once famous for smoking his trademark Dunhill pipe. 
  • Putin was an officer un the KGB, rising to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel
  • Xi never lets you see him sweat.
  • Gauck was a former Lutheran pastor.
  • Cameron has 4 children
  • Hollande loves to eat burgers
  • Rousseff was  the first woman to hold the office.
  • Assad speaks fluent English 
  • Harper is a big curling fan
  • Abe studied at University of Southern California's school of Public Policy in United States
  • Rivlin likes to tell jokes

Saturday, October 18, 2014



  • Federal republic 
  • President Enrique Pena Nieto  


  • Federal republic
  • President Pranab Mukherjee                                                                                                                                                                                                                             



  • Communist  state             
  • President  XI Jinping             



President Vladimir Putin 

  • federation                                                             





  • Federal Republic 
  • President Joachim Gauck 

                                  United Kingdom


  • Prime Minister David William Donald Cameron
  • Constitutional monarchy and Common wealth realm                 



  • Republic 
  •  President Francois Hollande 


  • Federal republic
  • President Dilma Rousseff  


  • Republic under an authoritarian regime
  • President Bashar al-Assad    


  • Parliamentary democracy, federation. and a constitutional monarchy
  • Prime Minster Stephen Harper


  • Parliamentary government with a constitutional monarchy
  • Prime Minister Shinzo Abe  


  • Parliamentary democracy 
  • Prime Minister Reuven Rivlin

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Today in class 3 people had to take the test that we took on Friday. During this time I did all of my homework, wrote flashcards, studied for my Science and English quiz on Friday. Tomorrow and Thursday we don't have class. Our next class with be Friday.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Test Day

Today in class we had our test. I wish we had more time using the CIA World Fact book. We only had 10 minutes and I didn't get a couple of answers. The bonus questions were really hard! I think I did good on the other parts of the test. The fill in the blank questions were really easy. I hope I did good.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Test Review

Today in class we reviewed for our test on Friday. Mr. Schick told us that we can use he CIA World Fact Book website for a certain period of time. He also gave us vocal words we need to know.  We need to know life expectancy, CBR, CDR, developing nations, developed nations, RNI, NMR, immigration, emigration, push forces, pull forces, and TFR. We also went over infrastructure. It is what one country needs to connect with a different country. Also, if you know the birth and death rate you can figure out the rate of natural increase. You do births minus deaths. I feel prepared for this test!


Tuesday, October 7, 2014


Today in class we downloaded and set up spotify. Mr. Schick is a part of the pilot program. He gave us a code so we can have a premium account. After I downloaded it I set up an account. Then I tried to type in the code but it said wait 1 hour because there were so many people logging in at one time. So i came home and typed in the code again and it worked.

Monday, October 6, 2014


Today in class we looked at the CIA World Factbook. We started off trying to see what country is the best. We had to find facts saying how great America is or how bad America is. We also looked up other countries seeing if they are better then America. Then we got a little off topic and just started saying random facts about random countries.  I found out that an average American eats about 18 pounds of bacon. One fact I thought that was interesting is that Mexico has so many airports. They have almost 2,000 airports ranking third in the world. There are so many airports because of how many people visit Mexico for vacation. Today was birthday so I got to wear the cool hat.

Saturday, October 4, 2014


Today in class we watched a video of people debating if America is the greatest counter ever. We then had a class debate. Some people said yes and some people said no. I say no. Even though our country is pretty great, I don't think its the best. A lot of people said yes because of the freedom that we have. That is true but a lot of other countries have freedom too. I think if we fix our problems then we could be the greatest country.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Today a lot of people were on their retreat. We finished watching the video. Mr. Shick told us that in Japan older people aren't living as long because they fought in war. In China they used to be able to only have 1 child because the country is so over populated. If people had more then 1 child then the government wouldn't pay for their schooling and they would have to pay  heavy taxes on their child. In China families always wanted a boy since they could only had one child. If they found out that they were having a girl, they would sometimes have an abortion.