Friday, January 16, 2015


Today in class we had our test on North Korea. Mr. Schick let us study for about 15 minutes before we took the test. I thought the test was little hard, but not to bad. Some questions were pretty easy. Then there were some hard questions. The questions where you had to pick if the fact was about North Korea or South Korea were difficult. Today was our last day of Human Geo. I sill have Mr.Schick for Western Civ and can't wait. Its been a pretty good first semester.

Wednesday, January 14, 2015


Today was practically our last day of Human Geo because tomorrow we don't have class and Friday is our test on North Korea. I am a little nervous about our test on Friday. We went over the powerpoint on Korea today and it made me feel a little bit better. Mr. Schick also told us that we needed to know the map and countries around Korea. He also told us that we need to know the order of the leaders. We don't need to know what year they served and when they were born and died.Hopefully I'll get a good grade!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2015


Today in class we finished watching the movie about North Korea. In the movie the doctor finished up doing all the surgeries. We saw all the blind people being cured. The people who were cured didn't even thank the doctor. They praised and praised there leader. Some of them also made mean remarks about America. I expected them to thank there leader, but I thought they would praise the doctor too.

Sunday, January 11, 2015


Today in class we watched the documentary of North Korea again. I saw parents telling their children that Americans were afraid of them and that we are horrible people. In most Korean houses they have a picture of there leader. They believe that he is perfect and does no wrong. When Kim Jong-Il died people were throwing themselves on the ground, crying, and acting like it was a very close family member who just died.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Today in class we watched a video about North Korea. A foreign eye doctor went to North Korea to do eye surgeries. A journalist and a camera crew went with him to see what it is like in North Korea. One of the camera men laayed on the floor and took a picture of a statue and he might be thrown out of their country.

Monday, January 5, 2015


Today in class we started a new section on Korea. Here are the notes we took:

North Korea

  • oppressive government
  • very secluded and isolated from the world
  • currently headed by Kim Jong-Un
  • Kim Jong-Un didn't seem to like The Interview

Oppressive government
  • state- run socialist government that many consider to be a Stalinist dictatorship
  • official name: Democratic People'e Republic of Korea (DPRK)
  • notice that they say "Korea" not North Korea- they claim to be the legitimate rulers of the entire peninsula

Secluded and Isolated
  • isolated by the government
  • also somewhat isolated geographically
  • after all, they are on a peninsula
  • Pyongyang is the capital ( located at 39 degrees north latitude)
  • Bel air, Md is also located at 39 degrees

Friday, December 12, 2014


Today in class we went over the last 2 tests that we've taken. Mr. Schick said we could redo the test, but the highest grade we could get is a 70%. Which is better than one of my grades on my test.  It is not fair for the people who actually got a good grade on test the first time.