Monday, January 5, 2015


Today in class we started a new section on Korea. Here are the notes we took:

North Korea

  • oppressive government
  • very secluded and isolated from the world
  • currently headed by Kim Jong-Un
  • Kim Jong-Un didn't seem to like The Interview

Oppressive government
  • state- run socialist government that many consider to be a Stalinist dictatorship
  • official name: Democratic People'e Republic of Korea (DPRK)
  • notice that they say "Korea" not North Korea- they claim to be the legitimate rulers of the entire peninsula

Secluded and Isolated
  • isolated by the government
  • also somewhat isolated geographically
  • after all, they are on a peninsula
  • Pyongyang is the capital ( located at 39 degrees north latitude)
  • Bel air, Md is also located at 39 degrees

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