Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Today in class we watched the video again, since Mr.Schick wasn't there on Monday. We then went over the population pyramid. The population pyramid is like a bar graph. It shows the population according to age and gender. It was interesting to see the how long people live in other countries. We also talked about pre industrialization, industrialization, and post industrialization. Tomorrow we will watch the rest of the video.

Monday, September 29, 2014


Today Mr. Schick was not here. On his blog was our assignment. We had to watch a video called "population pyramid" Some people did not have headphones so they only watched the video and could not hear it.  I learned that Nigeria has to same population as Russia. I was surprised to see that because Russia is much bigger then Nigeria. It also showed us how many people are being born and how many people are dying per minute. After watching the video we had to answer question about it. The questions were really easy. When we were done that we could do other school work or study. I listened to music and studied for my intro to bible test.

Friday, September 26, 2014


Today in class we went over the test a little bit. We talked about bombs and what they would do if their was a bomb threat. We also watched a video of people reacting to a bomb threat. When the siren rung that stopped what they were doing and took cover. They took this very serious. We then went on this CIA website. On this website you can find out anything about each country. We looked up the countries that had population increase and population decrease. Syria had the number 1 population decrease. People were leaving the country because they are scared for their life.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014


Today in class we got our test back. For every person who got an A, he rang his bell. Only a couple of people got an A.  I got 79%. I thought I did better, but next time I will study more. I did really good on the multiple choice. Not so good on the essay questions. I thought they were hard.  I really like multiple choice questions. I know that using our blog really helped me. Hopefully next time we will be able to use our blog again. Mr. Schick told us to keep the test for exams.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Population and Settlement

Today in class started talking about population and settlement. Mr Schick showed us a powerpoint and we took notes.

  • crude birth rate- is the number of births per 1000 of the population 
  • crude death rate- is the number of deaths per 1000 of the population
  •  there are 7 billion people in the world
  • increasing by 73 million per year 
  • most of the population growth is in countries that are poor and should not be having more children, such as Africa, Latin America, and South and East Asia.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Test Day

Today in class we had our test. Mr. Schick said that we could use our blog. I was relieved. I felt like i was prepared for the test today. The essay questions were a little hard, but i think I did okay. I felt like this was a fair test and i did not mind taking it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Today Mr. Schick wasn't there, so we had a substitute. She told us to go to his  blog and see what we had to do in class. He told us to go to Quizlet and make flash cards to prepare for our test tomorrow. A couple of the girls and I formed a group. We made flashcards while listening to music and quizzed each other. After writing flash cards I feel more confident for the test.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Test on Wednesday

Today in class, we talked about our test that we are having on Wednesday. Mr. Schick told us some of the questions that were going to be on the test. He also asked what questions we think should be on there. The test will be will on these topics: Ancient Greece, Message to Garcia, Did you know, and Globalization and Americanization. We also talked about the new watch that is coming out and there is no need for a wallet if you have one of these watches.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Today in class, we learned about Globalization. Globalization is the connection of different parts of the world. Which results in the expansion of international, cultural, economic, and political activities. We then saw a picture of a a Chinese building, which had a KFC and McDonalds in it. In China the life expectancy is going down because of fast food restaurants and cigarettes. There are a lot more cigarettes being sold in China than America. Before fast food restaurants and cigarettes, China had a higher life expectancy.  We talked a little about BCE which is Before Common Era. We also talked about the silk road. The silk road is a road in China that people took to trade silk with other countries.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Today in class we went over homework. Our homework was to watch the video again and find 3 interesting facts. We then discussed that people in other countries, especially India are taking American jobs. American people are teaching people from other countries how to speak English and do our jobs. I think this is a good and bad thing.

I think it is a good thing because we don't have to pay people from other countries as much as we have to pay Americans. If companies hired all Americans then prices would rise. It is bad thing because there won't be as many jobs for Americans.

Mr. Schick then told us that OK was the number one word and that most languages use the word OK.


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

"Shift Happens"

Today in Human Geo we watched a video called "shift happens". This video tells us facts about the world. 
As you watch the video, pick out three of the facts presented, and consider the following:
  • What was your initial reaction to what you saw?
  • How are these changes manifesting themselves in your personal life?
  • How much of a role does technology play in your life?

   1.  If Facebook was a country, it would be the third largest country in the World. Behind China and India.
 When i saw this fact I was shocked at first. Then i realized that their are so many people in the world who our on social media. A couple years ago Facebook was "the hit". Now Facebook isn't that popular in U.S, but people still get on. This changed my personal life because I rarely ever get on Facebook anymore. This doesn't play much of a role in my life because i didn't really like Facebook and now i don't get on.

2. China will soon be the number 1 English speaking country. I didn't really believe this because it is America and we speak English. Why would another country be speaking our language? But there are so many more people in China and most people in China are learning to speak English. 

3. Facebook is available in more than 70 languages. I knew that Facebook had many languages, but not 70! Having Facebook in different languages gives people all over the world to enjoy social media.

Monday, September 8, 2014


Agora- central spot in the ancient Greek city-states. The agora was a gathering place and the center of athletics, artistic, spiritual and political life.

Arete- ''excellence of any kind" or the act of living up to ones potential; moral virtue

Polis- city in Greece, central urban area

508 b.c- democracy begins in Athens. Men were the only ones who could vote

Socrates- Greek philosopher in Athens, Greece.

The death of Socrates- on trial for corruption of the young and criticizing the gods. He defended him self on trial.

Socratic method- form of discussion between individuals based on asking questions to stimulate critical thinking.

Saturday, September 6, 2014


Agora-  a gathering place; the marketplace in ancient Greece.  merriam-webster

Arete- excellence of any kind.  wikipedia

Polis- a city state in ancient Greece, a state or society especially when characterized by a sense of community. wikipedia
the year 508 BC- was a year of the pre-Julian Roman calendar. wikipedia 

Socrates- Greek philosopher whose intelligence search for ethical knowledge challenged conventional mores. freedictionary.com

the death of Socrates- trial and execution on charges of impiety and corrupting the youth. freedictionary.com

Socratic method-  named after the classical Greek philosopher Socrates, is a form of inquiry and discussion between individuals, based on asking and answering questions to stimulate critical thinking and to illuminate ideas.  wikipedia

what the ancient Greeks meant if they called you an idiot- if a person did not vote that person would be called an idiot.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Day 5

Today in class we learned that the "Message to Garcia" took place during the Spanish-American war, which took place mostly in Cuba. The President at the time needed to send a message to Garcia, so he made Roman deliver it. Roman did not complain nor make excuses. He worked hard to get the message delivered.  The author of this started printing out millions of copies so people would read them. We then talked about voting and how important it is it vote. We learned that only a little more than half of people vote. A lot of elderly people vote and younger people don't because they make up excuses not to vote. When our parents were growing up the voting age was 21, but it was changed to 18. I think the voting age should be 16. If at 16 we are reliable  enough to drive we should be able to vote.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day 4

In the first part of Human Geography we reviewed how to add a blog. Most students were not doing it correctly, including myself.  Mr. Schick came showed us how to do it correctly. Mr. Schick then talked to us about the ALS Ice Bucket challenge. He told us that someone he knew passed away from ALS. We then watched the video of Mr. Schick doing the ice bucket challenge. He  then talked to us about how important it is to raise money to find a cure. If we wanted to we could do the ice bucket challenge and post it or send it to him tonight for homework. My cheer team got nominated to do the Ice Bucket Challenge. We excepted this challenge a couple of weeks ago. We also donated money to the ALS foundation. He also showed us how to change the title of our blog. At first mine was Day 1, but then I changed it to Gabby Durastanti's Blogs.

Day 3 Message to Garcia

  • Organization- When you're organized you don't have to spend time looking for lost papers. You can stay on schedule and be focused about you're school work. Being organized can help you get better grades.

  • Doing all your homework- when you do all of you're homework you don't have to worry about getting in trouble by you're teachers. Homework is a review of what you went over in class, so its helping you in the long run. Doing your homework adds extra points to your grade.

  • Joining a club- you will be able to meet students from all different grades. You will be able to interact with students who you normally would not interact with.

  • Study/ take good notes - studying every night will keep information fresh in your mind. When you take notes you should write as much as possible but make sure you understand. 

  • Pay attention- paying attention in class will result in better grades. When you don't pay attention you will be lost and won't get good grades.

Day 2

Today, August 27, 2014, was my second day of Human Geography at John Carroll. The first half of the class Mr. Schick showed the students how to send their blog name to him. He then caught some other students up so everyone would be up to date and on the same page. The second half of class we went over the syllabus. In the syllabus he mentioned the hours he was available which are Monday through Friday from 7:30 to 8:00am and from 2:40 to 3:30pm. He also told us that his office is in room 121, but he taught in many other classrooms on the first floor. Mr. Schick showed us the grading scale. The grading scale showed us how many points homework, quizzes, tests, blogs, classwork, and projects are. Mr. Shick then said that their is no extra credit and everyday an assignment is late he takes 10 percent off you're grade. Lastly he told us the materials we need for Human Geography. I had a great second day.