Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day 3 Message to Garcia

  • Organization- When you're organized you don't have to spend time looking for lost papers. You can stay on schedule and be focused about you're school work. Being organized can help you get better grades.

  • Doing all your homework- when you do all of you're homework you don't have to worry about getting in trouble by you're teachers. Homework is a review of what you went over in class, so its helping you in the long run. Doing your homework adds extra points to your grade.

  • Joining a club- you will be able to meet students from all different grades. You will be able to interact with students who you normally would not interact with.

  • Study/ take good notes - studying every night will keep information fresh in your mind. When you take notes you should write as much as possible but make sure you understand. 

  • Pay attention- paying attention in class will result in better grades. When you don't pay attention you will be lost and won't get good grades.

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