Tuesday, November 25, 2014


Today in class we watched more of the movie. This movie is scary and a little intense. I was a little confused in the beginning because I was absent yesterday and i missed some of the movie. This movie kinda leaves you on the edge of your chair wondering what is gonna happen next.

Monday, November 24, 2014


Today I was not in class. I was sick. Hopefully I will be feeling better and can go to school tomorrow.

Friday, November 21, 2014


India is very different from America. There is so much trash in the India waters. Kids play, drink, and wash clothes in the same river that the trash is in. They trade  a lot of items for money. This is there way to get some more money because they are so poor. India's houses are in horrible shape. There are a lot of kids who don't have parents, just roaming around. Hundreds of people would storm into a town and just beat them to death because they are Muslim. India is so poor and they have so many people but not enough jobs. Most people get money from trading or stealing. Houses are really run down and have no beds. There schools are jam-packed and teachers are abusive.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014


Today in class Mr. Schick wasn't here. I worked on the extra credit assignment. I found a couple of songs that show pull and push force. Riptide by Vance Joy, Take me away by Natasha Bedingfield Home by Phillip Phillips. Riptide and Take me away shows push force. Its makes you want leave. Home by Phillip Phillips makes you want to stay where you are. This song shows pull force.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014


Today in class we started working on the extra credit and the assignment. To get extra credit we have to find a couple of songs that show push and pull force. Our assignment is to find the national anthem and find out what it means in English. Below is the National Anthem in China and below that is the translation. Official Lyrics: 起來!不願做奴隸的人們! 把我們的血肉,築成我們新的長城! 中華民族到了最危險的時候, 每個人被迫著發出最後的吼聲。 起來!起來!起來! 我們萬眾一心, 冒著敵人的炮火,前進! 冒著敵人的炮火,前進! 前進!前進!進! English Translation: Arise! All who refuse to be slaves! Let our flesh and blood become our new Great Wall! As the Chinese nation faces its greatest peril, All forcefully expend their last cries. Arise! Arise! Arise! Our million hearts beat as one, Brave the enemy's fire, March on! Brave the enemy's fire, March on! March on! March on! On!

China's national anthem is really weird. I feel like it repeats its self to much and it kinda scares me. It reminds me of angry people about to fight. This is very dark and scary national anthem.

Monday, November 17, 2014


Today in class we started a new unit. The first part of class we talked about the academic competition this weekend at Bel Air. John Carroll won 1st!!! Mr. Schick then showed us how to play. We played a little round of trivia. Most of the questions were pretty hard. Mr. Schick then showed us what we got on our test. He hasn't graded to essay yet. Hopefully I did good on the essay. We talked about which  states call "soda'. States call it soda, pop, and coke. At my house we call it soda.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Test Day

Today in class we took our test. The test was on the Presidents and the countries government. Some questions were easy and some questions were hard. The harder questions were facts about each it president. It was hard to remember all in facts about these Presidents. The essay was pretty easy because we talked about it in class a couple days before.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014


Today in class Mr. Schick told us that our test will be Friday instead on today. We are not having the test today because in the review powerpoint, Mr. Schick added peoples powerpoint. They were private so we couldn't see their projects. I am happy he changed the test to Friday, That gives us 2 more nights to study. Today we also finished watching the other projects and took notes. Now I have to study for the test!!!!

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Today in class we studied for tomorrows test. Mr Schick wasn't here today. Delany, Megan, Ella and I made a study guid. We wrote down all the information on the powerpoint. We then quizzed each other on the leaders and their type of government. Todays class made me more prepared for the test. Tonight I will study and hope that I get a good grade.

Monday, November 10, 2014


Today in class we watched the presentations. Since we had a one hour delay our class was cut short. So not everyone got to share. We still have two more projects to watch. One group started their project but did not finish. Tomorrow we will finish those and review for our test on Wednesday. Today we watched the projects on Germany, US, Russia, and Syria. I think our test is going to be all the presentations. All the facts about the president and the country's type of government. I am a little nervous about the test. 

Friday, November 7, 2014


Today in class I presented the project. Me and Ella are partners but she was not in class today due to the high school musical play. I was a little nervous about sharing by myself. So Mr. Schick asked one of the shadows if he would get up and help me present. He said sure. Wednesday we started sharing our project but the bell rang. We got to the first slide about government and how China is a communist country. Today I talked about Xi Jinping. I shared some facts about where and when he was born and what he did before becoming president of China. Also I shared that he has been president for 2 years and that all of Chinas presidents lead for 10 years. I then talk about how to get rid of a president. There are 3 ways to get rid of a president. Re elect, Impeach, and Assassination. Mr. Schick told us that it was wrong for people to hate and want to kill Obama or any president. He said that we should also put Assassination last because it is the worst. Then we went over the impeachment process. Lastly we talked about how many votes Xi jinxing got.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Today in class we started our presentations. The first project was on France. France has a republic government and a semi presidential system. This government was made in 1958. The President of France is Francois Hollande and the prime minister is Manuel Valls. They are apart of a Socialist Party. Hollande became president in 2012.  Valls was elected in 2014. It was then our turn to present. The country we chose was China. Our first slide was about Chinas government. China has a communist government. This means that Chinas government is greedy and the state controls economy. One example is that when you buy a car in America, the car dealership tells you the price of the car. In China the government makes up the price. Mr. Schick then got talking about how years ago they thought they had it good, Then once the internet was available, people realized that their government was greedy and controlling. We then ran out of time and couldn't finish our presentation.  Our next slides are about the President Xi Jinping. We don't have class tomorrow so we will finish Friday.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014


Today in class we went to cancer awareness tables. When I first got up there I saw the lungs. They were real pigs lungs. They had healthy lungs and not so healthy lungs. The lady stepped on something and it made the lungs pump. It was cool to see how lungs work. Then i got a pencil, pins, and stickers about breast cancer. My favorite part was when I put my head thru this machine. I could see all these dots on my face. Some dots meant that you had skin damage or your skin was oily or dry.

Monday, November 3, 2014


Today we had our long class. We went over the pop quiz we had about. Mr. Schick told us that we would see the questions again, possibly on the exams. We were supposed to share our slide shows, but most groups were not ready. I think my group was ready, but we just wanted to add more to make it better. We found some cool information on Xi JinPing. We found out that he got 99 percent of the votes and that 1 person voted against him. People were saying that they think it might have been a mistake or that the person was very brave. Also he will be serving for 10 years. Today was the last day to work on this project. Tomorrow we have class last mod. We will share our projects!