Friday, November 7, 2014


Today in class I presented the project. Me and Ella are partners but she was not in class today due to the high school musical play. I was a little nervous about sharing by myself. So Mr. Schick asked one of the shadows if he would get up and help me present. He said sure. Wednesday we started sharing our project but the bell rang. We got to the first slide about government and how China is a communist country. Today I talked about Xi Jinping. I shared some facts about where and when he was born and what he did before becoming president of China. Also I shared that he has been president for 2 years and that all of Chinas presidents lead for 10 years. I then talk about how to get rid of a president. There are 3 ways to get rid of a president. Re elect, Impeach, and Assassination. Mr. Schick told us that it was wrong for people to hate and want to kill Obama or any president. He said that we should also put Assassination last because it is the worst. Then we went over the impeachment process. Lastly we talked about how many votes Xi jinxing got.

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