Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Today in class we started our presentations. The first project was on France. France has a republic government and a semi presidential system. This government was made in 1958. The President of France is Francois Hollande and the prime minister is Manuel Valls. They are apart of a Socialist Party. Hollande became president in 2012.  Valls was elected in 2014. It was then our turn to present. The country we chose was China. Our first slide was about Chinas government. China has a communist government. This means that Chinas government is greedy and the state controls economy. One example is that when you buy a car in America, the car dealership tells you the price of the car. In China the government makes up the price. Mr. Schick then got talking about how years ago they thought they had it good, Then once the internet was available, people realized that their government was greedy and controlling. We then ran out of time and couldn't finish our presentation.  Our next slides are about the President Xi Jinping. We don't have class tomorrow so we will finish Friday.

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